Sunday, July 29, 2012

T rolls his first car into a pond.

Worse yet his three year old brother's stick collection got wet. Beware the dangers of kids from car-free families!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

A beautiful morning on the Midtown Greenway

You could tell it had been an exceptionally hot eight days in Minneapolis from the sight of the many bikers, joggers, and walkers on the Midtown Greenway this morning. Yes, finally the temperatures had cooled down to a reasonable mid 60s by morning. As I walked our dog Moxie, I was wishing I was on my bike headed to the lakes or beyond. But I did have the chance to stop and appreciate the beautiful native plantings along our section of the Greenway near the Anne Sullivan ramp.

I want to thank all who have worked so hard to restore this little patch, especially my wife, Hillary. I love walking through this section, the "Shasta site," throughout the seasons, always thinking of what so many have done to make it such a wonderful spot along the Greenway.