"Daddy, you're going to hit that car," exclaimed Theo as we biked to school with him perched in his
Bobike seat. This was a milestone statement for Theo after a year of "Bobiking". Our favorite aspect of the Bobike is the running commentary that Theo makes about the turning leaves, his day at school, or the truck that just passed. With him safely seated between you and the handlebars conversation is so easy. What other form of transportation affords such closeness? But Theo crossed a line into front seat driving today. Never before has he offered biking advice. He was right - we were set to hit a parked car. But it was 40 feet ahead and we were riding to the right side of the road to allow cars to pass.
I bought a Bobike seat for some friends here- couldn't pass it up for 2 euros at the church rummage sale on Saturday. What a deal! I'm rarely using even my back kid seat anymore. Annelies bikes herself to school now (with Max and I on our own bikes) and even Max no longer complains that she's too slow. She's keeping up just fine!
ReplyDeleteWow, to find a Bobike for 2 euros at a rummage sale. You are truly in the bobike homeland! There was recently a NYTimes Travel section article on a family that traveled to Amsterdam. They sought out and brought back a Bobike seat.
ReplyDeleteSo exciting for Annelies, you, and Max that you can all bike together at a good pace.