Saturday, November 27, 2010

Catching up on Lost Time

It has been two weeks since I rode my bike to work.  Bums me out.  Between my work schedule and a sudden shift into winter weather without a psychological and bike shift into winter biking, I have been taking the bus every day.  Sure, Hillary and I are doing our short rides around the neighborhood- to daycare, the food coop, rehearsal, friend's houses, etc.- but I depend on that commute for exercise and extra peace of mind.  Even for a regular bike rider, once you get out of the commute groove it can be hard to get back in when you have a good bus alternative..and the onset of winter.

It has been five months since I posted to this blog.  Bums me out.  It is not for lack of things to share.  I frankly don't know where the time went.  It was a fantastic summer with lots of great family bike rides, trips, and time with friends and family.  As the Minnesota winter has settled in - it's 12 degrees F outside now with snow on the ground - I find myself looking back on many great photos of "Riding Phrius".  These are all ones that I took thinking they would be accompanied with their own posts.  But alas, that never happened.  So amidst frustration over my last two weeks of negligible biking, transition to winter, and a long Thanksgiving weekend, I have gathered some photos of a summer and fall of "Riding Phrius".  I will post one or two every few days to catch up on lost time.  I hope you enjoy.


  1. Hey there! I can't remember how I found your site, but I'm glad to see you're posting again. I don't mean to weird you out, but I think we've met before, many many moons ago, in youth orchestra.

    I'm getting back to riding myself, although I too have been taking the bus to work lately. I need to get some appropriate clothes for the colder weather and shorter days.

    Looking forward to seeing more of your writing!

  2. So cool that you found me. I will write a note on your blog.
